
Ridgeview Village contains approximately 200 homes prices around $186 dollars per scare foot. With a median price of $527450.

Inventory Trends

Area: 0.478 square miles

Population: 879

Population density:
Ridgeview Village:  1,841 people per square mile
El Dorado Hills:  1,006 people per square mile

Household income distribution in 2008 in Ridgeview Village in El Dorado Hills neighborhood in CA

Median household income 2008:

Ridgeview Village:  $110,478
El Dorado Hills:  $122,855

Rent paid by renters in 2008 in Ridgeview Village in El Dorado Hills neighborhood in CA

Median rent in 2008:

Ridgeview Village:  $1,362
El Dorado Hills:  $1,435

Zip codes: 95762.

Males:  450
Females:  429

Median age:
This neighborhood:  38.9 years
Whole city:  37.6 years

This neighborhood:  37.9 years
Whole city:  37.6 years

Average household size:
Ridgeview Village:  2.9 people
El Dorado Hills:  3.1 people

Average family size:

Ridgeview Village:  3.0 members
El Dorado Hills:  3.3 members

Percentage of married-couple families (among all households):

Here:  82.3%
place:  79.5%

Percentage of married-couple families with children (among all households):

Ridgeview Village:  37.1%
El Dorado Hills:  44.4%

Percentage of single-mother households (among all households):

This neighborhood:  2.8%
El Dorado Hills:  5.0%

Percentage of never married males 15 years old and over:

Here:  9.1%
El Dorado Hills:  8.7%

Percentage of never married females 15 years old and over:

Ridgeview Village:  7.5%
place:  7.4%

Percentage of people that speak English not well or not at all:

This neighborhood:  0.7%
El Dorado Hills:  0.4%

Percentage of people born in this state:

Here:  61.9%
El Dorado Hills:  61.9%

Percentage of people born in another U.S. state:

Ridgeview Village:  32.8%
El Dorado Hills:  31.9%

Percentage of native residents but born outside the U.S.:

Here:  0.9%
place:  1.2%

Percentage of foreign born residents:

Here:  4.4%
El Dorado Hills:  5.0%

Percentage of units with a mortgage:

Ridgeview Village:  84.5%
El Dorado Hills:  88.2%

Time Leaving Home for Work in Ridgeview Village in El Dorado Hills neighborhood in CA

Travel time to work in Ridgeview Village in El Dorado Hills neighborhood in CA

Occupations of males:
Percentage of males in management occupations (except farmers):

Here:  21.2%
place:  22.0%

Percentage of males in business and financial operations occupations:

Here:  7.9%
place:  7.9%

Percentage of males in computer and mathematical occupations:

Here:  4.5%
place:  4.8%

Percentage of males in architecture and engineering occupations:

Here:  13.7%
place:  9.2%

Percentage of males in community and social services occupations:

Here:  1.1%
place:  0.9%

Percentage of males in legal occupations:

Here:  2.6%
place:  3.1%

Percentage of males in education, training, and library occupations:

Here:  3.0%
place:  2.5%

Percentage of males in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:

Here:  3.1%
place:  3.0%

Percentage of males in service occupations:

Here:  10.4%
place:  9.0%

Percentage of males in sales and office occupations:

Here:  15.5%
place:  17.8%

Percentage of males in construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations:

Here:  9.7%
place:  9.2%

Percentage of males in production occupations:

Here:  2.1%
place:  3.7%

Percentage of males in transportation and material moving occupations:

Here:  5.3%
place:  4.6%

Occupations of females:
Percentage of females in management occupations (except farmers):

Here:  14.2%
place:  12.9%

Percentage of females in business and financial operations occupations:

Here:  9.1%
place:  9.8%

Percentage of females in computer and mathematical occupations:

Here:  2.9%
place:  3.6%

Percentage of females in community and social services occupations:

Here:  2.4%
place:  1.3%

Percentage of females in education, training, and library occupations:

Here:  15.3%
place:  12.3%

Percentage of females in arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations:

Here:  2.2%
place:  1.7%

Percentage of females in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:

Here:  9.6%
place:  8.7%

Percentage of females in service occupations:

Here:  13.9%
place:  11.5%

Percentage of females in sales and office occupations:

Here:  29.6%
place:  33.4%

Education in this neighborhood (subdivision or community):
Percentage of people 3 years and older in K-12 schools:

Ridgeview Village:  26.8%
El Dorado Hills:  27.4%

Percentage of people 3 years and older in undgraduate colleges:

Ridgeview Village:  4.4%
El Dorado Hills:  4.1%

Percentage of people 3 years and older in grad. or professional schools:

Ridgeview Village:  2.0%
El Dorado Hills:  1.0%

Percentage of students K-12 enrolled in private schools:

Ridgeview Village:  8.1%
El Dorado Hills:  8.8%

Percentage of population below poverty level:

Ridgeview Village:  1.1%
El Dorado Hills:  1.7%

Median year owner moved in (as recorded in 2000):

Ridgeview Village:  1993
El Dorado Hills:  1995

Median year renter moved in (as recorded in 2000):

Ridgeview Village:  1999
El Dorado Hills:  1999

Percentage of married-couple families with both working:

Ridgeview Village:  59.0%
El Dorado Hills:  61.4%

Most commonly used house heating fuel:

  • Utility gas (67%)
  • Electricity (27%)
  • Wood (5%)